Terms and conditions for accommodation


  1. 條款為旅館客人及其訪客所設,入住客人請清楚細心閱讀及了解有關之規定。
  2. 客人入住前須全數繳付房間之費用,並且不設退款或轉讓。
  3. 如客人於指定日期未能入住本旅館,將視為「放棄」,所付出是款項不能退還。
  4. 冬季入住期間,旅館房間屬均包含早餐及晚餐。
  5. 房間價錢已包含10%之稅項及服務費。經網上付款系統付款,需收取5%手續費。
  6. 有關房價及優惠只限查詢當天或推廣期內適用,本旅館保留有關之最终決定權而不作預先通知。
  7. 在家長陪同下,本旅館容許每房間可以有一名6歲以下孩童以「不佔床位」形式免費入住,惟須繳付額外膳食費用。
  8. 房間設有加床及加伙食服務,但須視乎旅館供應量能否作出安排。
  9. 入住房客不能超過租住房間之限定人數。
  10. 客人不能攜帶寵物入住。
  11. 旅館入住時間為下午15:00後而退時間為上午11:00前;逾時退房本旅館將酌量收取客人合理費用。客人提早退房所繳付之費用不能退回。
  12. 入住期間客人須為其本人及其訪客對有關房間及旅館內設施之捐毀或遺失負責賠償。
  13. 旅館對於入住條款的修改均無須事前作出通知,如遇任何爭議旅館保留所有最終決定權。

Terms and conditions for accommodation

  1. These terms and conditions apply to all reservations made in our hotel. Guest(s) are to read and agree to these terms prior to making a reservation.
  2. Upon reservation, full amount will be charged by credit card payment or by bank transfer, all reservations cannot be cancelled and are non-refundable.
  3. Failure to check-in on the scheduled day of arrival will be treated as “No-Show” and no refund will be given.
  4. In the winter, all room rates are quoted per night with breakfast and dinner included for the corresponding number of guest(s) according to the room type.
  5. 10% tax and service charge have been includes in the room rates. 5% online payment will be charged.
  6. All promotion and room rates are only valid during the date of enquiry and/or the period of promotion specified. The room rates are subject to the discretion of the hotel without prior notice required.
  7. For family visits, one child aged below 6 can stay without additional accommodation costs in existing bedding when sharing with adults.
  8. There will be an additional charge for extra bedding and extra meals and are subject to availability upon request.
  9. Guest must not exceed the specified maximum occupancy for the room type booked.
  10. No pets are allowed in the hotel.
  11. Check-in and check-out times are 15:00 pm and 11:00 am (Japan Standard Time) respectively. A late check out may result in additional charges. There are no refunds for early check-outs.
  12. Guest(s) are liable for any loss or damage of property caused to the allocated room(s) or to hotel premises during their stay.
  13. These Terms and Conditions are subject to changes in hotel policy updates without prior notice.
  14. Hotel Bauhinia reserves the final right of final decision in interpreting and implementing the terms and conditions in any case of disputes.